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The Search Goes On, Generation One Chapter Five

October 24, 2011

Freelance Writer

There are three things in my life that are very important to me.  First, my family means more to me than anything in the world.  Burgundy and Chestnut are the sunshine in my heart.  Secondly, finding out my whereabouts.  Trust me, there is a certain fear about not knowing who you are, or who your family is.  I have many nightmares about this.

Lastly, my job at the paper.  I would not have realized the passion I have for journalism if I hadn’t accepted that job offer years ago.  I’m working my way up at the paper, and I am now a freelance writer for the paper.  You might have even read a few of my articles in the newspaper.

I used my time wisely, and balanced a lot of the things I needed to do to advance in my career.  I tried to practice on my writing everyday, and I spent many days at work getting to know my co-workers and my boss.

Then there were the interviews.  I was required to interview many people about on-going stories to get the most accurate truth.  I was not one of those reporters that liked to embellish the truth.  I also used these interviews to find out any clues I could of where I come from.  I am suspicious that some people know about me, but, for whatever reason, are very tight lipped about it.  It is almost as if they are afraid of someone.

Burgundy was very supportive of me, but I feel like she also worries about me.  It was during this time that just before she was about to go back to work that she began feeling sick again.  We were pretty sure she was pregnant again.

I was excited about the news, but I felt a little guilty about furthering my career when her dreams of becoming a director were yet again put on hold because of another baby.  My wife never complained though, and just took the second pregnancy in stride.

Her pregnancy seemed easier this time around, and instead of being depressed about not working she decided to put all her focus into our son.  She would sit there for hours helping him with his words or potty training.

When she wasn’t spending time with our son, she was outside in her garden which had grown since Chestnut’s birth.  She harvested several vegetables that we stored in the fridge, and what we didn’t keep she sold to the local grocery store.

Crimson Pearl, 2nd Generation

We almost didn’t recognize the signs that Burgundy was in labor one night.  Again, this pregnancy was very different from the first one.  She didn’t have the sharp pains with this one.  It wasn’t until her water broke that we realized that she was having the baby.

We rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could after getting a sitter to come over.  The labor wasn’t nearly as long as the first, and it only seemed like hours later Burgundy walked out the hospital doors with our second son, Crimson.  I loved my new son, and couldn’t wait to help Burgundy with Crimson like I did with Chestnut.

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