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Life Throws Unexpected Surprises, Generation One Chapter Three

October 22, 2011


Told in the point of view of Burgundy

I began feeling sick a few weeks after Snow and I married.  I was one that never got sick so you can imagine how surprised and embarrassed I was to constantly have to run to the bathroom.  Sweet Snow was worried about me, but I told him I would be okay.

When my sickness didn’t subside I began to suspect that it was something else.  A visit to the doctor’s office confirmed my suspicions.  I was pregnant with Snow’s baby.  I couldn’t wait to come home, and tell him the good news.

Snow was just as happy to hear that he was going to be a daddy!  I have to admit I wasn’t sure how he would  take the news with his worry about his memory loss.  However, he seemed excited.

Every time he would come into the room he would talk to my tummy or rub it.  Then he would massage my back to ease my back pain.  Next would come the cuddling and kissing which of course sometimes led to more.  The depth of my love for him just grew more intense each day.

I had to take maternity leave with the pregnancy which left me with a ton of free time.  I didn’t know what to do with myself because all I did was work.  Snow was the one that suggested I take up hobbies to ease the itch to work.

First, I began to paint even though the first few paintings weren’t necessarily works of art.  It was a peaceful activity though, and one that I enjoyed a lot.  Secondly, Snow brought home some strange seeds so I decided to grow a garden out front.  It was a peaceful activity at times, but pulling weeds was a bit tedious sometimes.

I was worried about how bad the labor was going to be after all I had rumors of how painful it could be from other mothers.  Snow suggested a trip to the doctor for some advise.  Of course, the doctor recommended exercising regularly.

I took up exercising like a moth to a flame.  It grounded me in a way that nothing else did.  Snow was every dutiful, and kept read up on all the pregnancy books.  He wanted to know what to do when it was time for the baby to come.

All the books in the world didn’t prepare Snow enough.  I woke up one night with horrible contractions, and Snow was in a panic!  I don’t think he realized how painful it was going to be for me.  It took me reassuring him that I would be okay to calm him down.

We gathered my things, and took a cab to the hospital in town.  The labor was intense, and lasted many hours.  In the final hours of the night I gave birth to one healthy little boy.  Snow let me pick the name, Chestnut.

Chestnut Pearl, 2nd Generation

We fell in love with this little guy, and couldn’t wait until we could take him home.  He was such a great addition to our family.


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