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Imaginary Friend, Generation One Chapter Six

Told in the view of Chestnut Pearl

This is my friend Rags.  We’ve been best friends since I was a baby.  He used to be this doll my Mom gave me when I was just a wee baby.  I didn’t know what he was at first.  I just thought he was a special toy that I loved to play with.

When I had my last birthday though, and I got bigger so did Rags.  I was shocked at first that my doll seemed to be alive, but then I realized that I could have some one to play with now.  He is such a great friend too!

Rags and I did everything together.  We would seat for hours watching tv.  Our favorite show was Scooby Sim, where are you.  We always laughed at the crazy situations that Shaggy and Scooby Sim would get themselves into.

Rags says I can’t tell anyone about him being real.  He says that people won’t believe me, and then they may try to take him away from me.  I don’t want that to happen, but I do catch the weird, puzzling looks that Mom gives me when it looks like I’m talking to myself.

Another of our favorite pastimes is pillow fighting.  We can go on forever just banging pillows around, and it usually gets us laughing so hard that it hurts.  I am usually the pillow fighter winner!

It did get me in trouble one time.  We had made such a mess in my bedroom.  There were feathers flying everywhere, and I think my Dad nearly had a heart attack!  When he was done yelling at me; he made me clean up my entire room.  You have no idea how boring it is to pick up every little feather off the floor!

Rags seems to like to do my chores for me so I usually let him.  I hate doing chores, and if he wants to clean why not let him.  It’s something he doesn’t mind doing

Lately, I have noticed that Rags is looking a little sad.  I tried asking him what was wrong, but he wouldn’t tell me.  I think it has something to do with my upcoming birthday.  I think he might be afraid that I will forget about him when I become a teen.  How can I possibly forget Rags, and what would happen to him if I do forget him?

The Search Goes On, Generation One Chapter Five

Freelance Writer

There are three things in my life that are very important to me.  First, my family means more to me than anything in the world.  Burgundy and Chestnut are the sunshine in my heart.  Secondly, finding out my whereabouts.  Trust me, there is a certain fear about not knowing who you are, or who your family is.  I have many nightmares about this.

Lastly, my job at the paper.  I would not have realized the passion I have for journalism if I hadn’t accepted that job offer years ago.  I’m working my way up at the paper, and I am now a freelance writer for the paper.  You might have even read a few of my articles in the newspaper.

I used my time wisely, and balanced a lot of the things I needed to do to advance in my career.  I tried to practice on my writing everyday, and I spent many days at work getting to know my co-workers and my boss.

Then there were the interviews.  I was required to interview many people about on-going stories to get the most accurate truth.  I was not one of those reporters that liked to embellish the truth.  I also used these interviews to find out any clues I could of where I come from.  I am suspicious that some people know about me, but, for whatever reason, are very tight lipped about it.  It is almost as if they are afraid of someone.

Burgundy was very supportive of me, but I feel like she also worries about me.  It was during this time that just before she was about to go back to work that she began feeling sick again.  We were pretty sure she was pregnant again.

I was excited about the news, but I felt a little guilty about furthering my career when her dreams of becoming a director were yet again put on hold because of another baby.  My wife never complained though, and just took the second pregnancy in stride.

Her pregnancy seemed easier this time around, and instead of being depressed about not working she decided to put all her focus into our son.  She would sit there for hours helping him with his words or potty training.

When she wasn’t spending time with our son, she was outside in her garden which had grown since Chestnut’s birth.  She harvested several vegetables that we stored in the fridge, and what we didn’t keep she sold to the local grocery store.

Crimson Pearl, 2nd Generation

We almost didn’t recognize the signs that Burgundy was in labor one night.  Again, this pregnancy was very different from the first one.  She didn’t have the sharp pains with this one.  It wasn’t until her water broke that we realized that she was having the baby.

We rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could after getting a sitter to come over.  The labor wasn’t nearly as long as the first, and it only seemed like hours later Burgundy walked out the hospital doors with our second son, Crimson.  I loved my new son, and couldn’t wait to help Burgundy with Crimson like I did with Chestnut.

Chestnut Pearl, Generation One Chapter Four

Daddy loves you

The minute Burgundy told me that we were expecting a baby I was so excited!  I still didn’t want to give up my search for my identity, but I now had something more to live for.  I now had a family of my own.

The night Burgundy brought Chestnut home from the hospital was wonderful.  My little boy was so beautiful, and I couldn’t wait to hold him.  I got up every morning before work to feed him so that his Momma could get some extra sleep.  It was hard on her having to get up at all hours for the feedings.

Chestnut's first birthday


It soon came time for Chestnut’s birthday.  I had to work that day because we were trying to save up money.  I just hoped that I didn’t miss all his birthdays.  Burgundy told me that she helped him blow out his candles, and that he seemed to enjoy his first few bites of cake.

It was nice to see him growing up though, not that we don’t enjoy taking care of him.  Once he becomes a toddler though it just means we have more interactions with him.  Burgundy can’t wait to teach him to talk, and I want to help him with his first steps.

It was quite obvious who he looks like though.  He has my skin tone, my hair, and my eyes.  He was a miniature me!  I noticed though that he’s been playing with this strange doll.  I asked Burgundy about it one day.  She told me that it came in the mail from one of my relatives.

This took me back.  I can’t remember anything, but does someone know where I am?  Did someone bring me here, and why?  This warrants more research on where I come from, but in the mean time we are enjoying our beautiful son.

Life Throws Unexpected Surprises, Generation One Chapter Three


Told in the point of view of Burgundy

I began feeling sick a few weeks after Snow and I married.  I was one that never got sick so you can imagine how surprised and embarrassed I was to constantly have to run to the bathroom.  Sweet Snow was worried about me, but I told him I would be okay.

When my sickness didn’t subside I began to suspect that it was something else.  A visit to the doctor’s office confirmed my suspicions.  I was pregnant with Snow’s baby.  I couldn’t wait to come home, and tell him the good news.

Snow was just as happy to hear that he was going to be a daddy!  I have to admit I wasn’t sure how he would  take the news with his worry about his memory loss.  However, he seemed excited.

Every time he would come into the room he would talk to my tummy or rub it.  Then he would massage my back to ease my back pain.  Next would come the cuddling and kissing which of course sometimes led to more.  The depth of my love for him just grew more intense each day.

I had to take maternity leave with the pregnancy which left me with a ton of free time.  I didn’t know what to do with myself because all I did was work.  Snow was the one that suggested I take up hobbies to ease the itch to work.

First, I began to paint even though the first few paintings weren’t necessarily works of art.  It was a peaceful activity though, and one that I enjoyed a lot.  Secondly, Snow brought home some strange seeds so I decided to grow a garden out front.  It was a peaceful activity at times, but pulling weeds was a bit tedious sometimes.

I was worried about how bad the labor was going to be after all I had rumors of how painful it could be from other mothers.  Snow suggested a trip to the doctor for some advise.  Of course, the doctor recommended exercising regularly.

I took up exercising like a moth to a flame.  It grounded me in a way that nothing else did.  Snow was every dutiful, and kept read up on all the pregnancy books.  He wanted to know what to do when it was time for the baby to come.

All the books in the world didn’t prepare Snow enough.  I woke up one night with horrible contractions, and Snow was in a panic!  I don’t think he realized how painful it was going to be for me.  It took me reassuring him that I would be okay to calm him down.

We gathered my things, and took a cab to the hospital in town.  The labor was intense, and lasted many hours.  In the final hours of the night I gave birth to one healthy little boy.  Snow let me pick the name, Chestnut.

Chestnut Pearl, 2nd Generation

We fell in love with this little guy, and couldn’t wait until we could take him home.  He was such a great addition to our family.


Burgundy Wine, Generation One Chapter Two

Snow meets Burgundy Wine

I still could not remember anything about my whereabouts, or how I had come to be here.  I took up residence in the shack, and no one seemed to say anything.  I was very glad for the job I had secured because it was my only income.

I continued to visit the town everyday after work, and ask people anything they might know.  Of course, I had no success, but I did have some hope that maybe someone could help me.  That is how I met Burgundy Wine.  This woman intrigued me in a way no other ever did.

Burgundy and I began to date after our first meeting.  I have to say from the first moment I met her I was captivated with her.  When I wasn’t at work I was with her.

We would spend hours at the local Bistro just talking.  I told her about my search to remember who I was, and where I came from.  She told me about her dreams of becoming a famous director.

I knew I’d fallen in love with Burgundy.  I still wanted to remember, but I now had a reason to stay here in Sugar Valley.  I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this one woman.  I chose our anniversary of meeting to pop the question.

I was so nervous that night.  I dropped onto one knee, and being the klutz that I am, nearly dropped the box.  The minute I opened it though, and saw her reaction I just knew she was going to say yes.

We chose that moment to elope versus having a big wedding.  I didn’t know too many people in town yet, and couldn’t even begin to tell you where my own family lived to send invites.

Burgundy was the same way.  Most of her family was already passed away or chose to be cut off from her.  I was elated when we became husband and wife.

I was ashamed to take her home to that lonely, little shack, but with the money we had together I was able to begin work on a small house for us.

It wasn’t a mansion by any means, but it wasn’t a shack either.  Not only did we have a living room, but we also had a small kitchen.  The best part about the house was sleeping on a bed again.  You have no idea how hard it was to sleep in a sleeping bag on a cold concrete floor.

I still hope to learn more about myself, but I am glad I have someone to share my life with.

Where Am I? Generation One Chapter One

Snow Pearl, Founder

That’s me, Snow Pearl.  At least I believe that’s my name.  It sounds right when it rolls off my tongue.  It’s the only thing that I can remember about myself.  I can’t even remember where I came from or who my family is.

I’m not sure if I hit my head, though I have no injuries.  All I know is that I woke up here, where ever here is.  There is no signs of struggle so I’m not even sure if someone brought me to this location.


All I know is that I woke up on this lot that only housed this simple shack.  There are no signs of use, and the shack looks like it’s been abandoned for many years.

I sat here more a few hours really trying to remember stuff, but nothing worked.  I finally realized the best thing to do was to walk into talk, and start asking questions.

I soon came to find that I was in a small community called Sugar Valley.  Several people told me this name, and ever time I heard the name it felt familiar in my head.  I had this nagging feeling though that this is not where I am from.

No one seemed to recognize me when I approached them, but I did get a job offer that I couldn’t refuse.  It was for the local newspaper here in town.  I didn’t know how long I was going to be here, or when I was going to recover my memory so I figured it might be good to save up some money.

My search was long and exhausting, and I had no where else to go so I ended up back at that little shack.  I tried the door only to find that it unlocked.  Inside there was only a shower, a toilet, and a cheap fridge.  There was enough space on the floor to roll out a sleeping bag.

I tried to sleep that night, and only hoped that in the morning when I woke up I would remember something important.

Hello world!

I am a mother of three, and fiancee of a wonderful man here in mountainous North Carolina.  I have been addicted to Sims for a very long time now.  I started playing back in the day when my own mother sent me a game as a gift.  Since then I have been totally hooked.  Of course, there have been times when I’ve had to take a break, but I always fall back to Sims.  I have played all the sims games from Sims to Sims 3.  I believe it was Sims 2 that I started getting into the challenges and legacies.  Eventually, I would try my hand at trying to write stories about my Sims, and to share them.  I’ve come a far way since then, still writing stories and trying to finish a legacy, but I have also come across some wonderful writers (Berry, zbornie) and followed in love with their stories as well.

Outside the game I work for Burke’s Outlet (I hate retail, but it’s something I’m really good at), am addicted to reality tv, love movies and reading, very addicted to paranormal romance, etc…  Writing has always been one of my hobbies since I was a preteen.